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Crusher Fitness + Health

Crusher Fitness + Health


Fitness Center

About Us

CrossFit is defined as Constantly Varied (Different Every Workout), Functional Movement (How we Move in Real Life), at High Intensity (we get our heart rates up). We use combinations of weightlifting, gymnastics, running and rowing which is all scaled to the athletes current fitness level no matter if that is that you have not worked out in years or you are an elite athlete.

We will perform Workouts Of the Day (WODS), develop your skills, focus on improving nutrition and your mobility. All in an effort to improve YOUR level of fitness (defined as improvement in balance, coordination, agility, accuracy, strength, flexibility, endurance, stamina, speed and power). All this stuff gets us CrossFits definition of success: Increased work capacity over broad time and modal domains. Which means: You can do more over any amount of time at anything you want to do, no matter if that means to you, playing with grandchildren, running races with friends, hiking through the woods, playing high level competitive sports or all of the above. We are creating “Real Fitness”.

All of that sounds like a lot and can be intimidating we get that, which is why we want you to come in and work with our coaches at your level in an environment designed to help you succeed and reach your goals.


Nothing more fun then flipping tractor tires in the parking lot!  Fitness can be FUN!
Fitness Fun
Talking to our Kids about their workout
Team Training
High Fives All Around!
Fitness should be fun! All smiles.
Learn how to lift correctly!
Group Fitness Fun
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